Sliten Manda har gått runt i typ samma kläder i tre dagar nu. Livet är på topp. Fått typ 400 frågor senaste veckan på min Ask. Kul underhållning till och börja med, men när folk bara är allmänt jobbiga och bara kommer med "gissa vem jag är!!" så blir jag faktiskt lite trött.
Hur fan ska jag kunna lista ut vilka ni är? Jag har ingen koll på min skola längre, eller ja det har jag väl aldrig haft. När en person skriver "går i parallelklassen", "kille", "snackat med dig och Effy förut".. Det är inte så jävla lätt.
Och alla dessa struntmeddelanden. Jag orkar verkligen inte svara på allt. Senaste 24 timmarna har jag varit skittråkig med mina svar tror jag. Och alla dessa sexfrågor, för att inte tala om konversationerna jag har med anonyma "beundrare". Jag har skrivit min kik flera gånger, prata med mig där istället! Har säkert följare på min sida och jag vill inte spamma dem med en helt onödig diskussion om morötte eller purjolök eller vad det var någon ville prata med mig om inatt.
Tror faktiskt att jag ska rensa mina frågor snart. Allt skit ska bort. Fast å andra sidan står jag ju för det jag har svarat.. skitsamma. Vi får la se.
Min ask finns här!

Blir liksom tokig.
All that jazz

Då var man hemma i Eskilstuna, det är som en annan planet gentemot Karlsborg. Jag och Felicia har turats om med kameran lite grann, många bilder har det blivit. Ett par långa och härliga promenader runt hela stan också.
Just nu sitter jag och taggar till morgondagen. Har gjort om min "dörr-of-stuff" och längtar till duschen. Perks of being Manda.
Det här räknas som sommar

Säga vad man vill men nu har jag fan invigt sommaren 2K13 (blek som fan men vad gör det..)
Detta gör mig så lycklig
Ser du något bakom molnen?

35 förbannade dagar till sommarlov, denna bild (tagen av min underbara lillebror) är från förra årets skolavslutning. Jag står någonstans längst bak under medlyt.
En rolig grej jag kan berätta är att jag ska fotografera på niornas bal och avslutningen för skolans räkning. Är sååå glad och ivrig och det känner så himla spännande.
Annars så var Rödtott hemma hos mig i helgen, hela vägen från Örebro! En applåd för det tycker jag.
Valborg firades med Becka med lite film och godis och bilbyggnade med Mulle Meck.
Nu ska jag tvinga er att läsa en underbar jämförelse mellan Prince och Michael Jackson, hittad här.
Bara för att jag älskar Prince.
"Prince and Michael Jackson are my 2 favorite musicians/artists/performers. As a huge fan of both, let me give you 10 reasons that I like Prince better.
1. Prince has more music. Prince simply has a ton more music than MJ for his fans to listen to. Some will argue that MJ has less "crappy music" and that he has a better filter however, besides being a totally subjective statement, this is simply not true. Pound for pound, MJ has made just as much "average" music as Prince has. As a fan of both, I am happy to have stacks of Prince Albums and sad to have roughly 6 legit MJ albums since 1979. Waiting 5+ years between MJ albums sucks and lately it hasn't been worth the wait. If I don't like Prince's latest album, within a year or so I'll have a new one.
2. It is arguable who is a better live performer. Critics and fans alike both herald Prince and MJ as two of the best showman ever. Take your pick. That being said, Prince Concerts are more "live" than MJ. Prince's shows are not as rehearsed and are more spontaneous-the energy is different. Plus, Prince's live show is not the same as it has been since 1988. The fact is that, they are both great and you cannot definitively say one is head and shoulders above the other in this regard. MJ cannot work an audience like Prince. Prince's shows are more audience involving than MJ. MJ's shows are like going to a movie. It's a performance that could happen the same no matter the audience. Because of the nature of his concerts, Prince always takes the crowd into account and his concerts change based on the crowd. When did MJ last let audience members (who weren't planted groupies) up onstage to dance? Prince has an actual band that he leads, guides, and plays with. MJ just has hired musicians put together for a tour. Sheryl Crow used to play with him and was quoted as saying that MJ didn't know her name. I assure you, Prince knows his band.
3. It is easier to defend Prince's actions. Hey Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol-super weird right? However, it is rock star weird. MJ used to just be rock star weird, now he is scary and creepy weird. MJ's personal life has overshadowed his art, and forced his music to take a back seat to his circus and court appearances.
4. Prince evolves. Don't get me wrong, as a fan of MJ I realize he has grown as an artist. However, every one of his albums is chasing after "Thriller", both in style, and in sales figures. Prince is not constantly trying to top, redo, outdo, or copy "Purple Rain". MJ got himself in a rut.
5. Prince has more variety to his music. Sure, MJ's pop sweeps over different genres, but not as aggressively as Prince does it. When was the last time MJ did a solo acoustic guitar album? A solo piano album? An instrumental album? A blues rock album? A jazz/funk album? Not only does Prince do different types of music from album to album. Often, he'll do it from song to song on one album. Hardly anyone crosses genres as effectively as Prince. MJ definitely does not.
6. Prince is more true to himself musically. Lately, MJ has gotten into the habit of hiring a load of "hot" producers to give him the latest sound, but it makes MJ's music seem contrived, forced, and not authentic. Even, when Prince is biting new trends he still sounds like Prince. He sounds authentic. You might not like Prince's rapping, but "pussy control" is an authentic club anthem whether you like it or not. MJ singing things like "2000 Watts" seems artificial and forced-it's hard to believe MJ feels what he is singing.
7. Prince is more accessible to his fans. I know this sounds weird, but Prince often opens up his recording studios for his fans to tour- as MJ does with Neverland. However, the difference is the fact that Prince will often do intimate late night shows at his place with a few hundred fans. These gigs used to cost maybe $7. Often they were free. Prince casually walks amongst the crowd at these shows and just hangs out. I bet you'd be hard pressed to name another "reclusive" superstar of Prince's magnitude that allows his hardcore fans to get so close.
8. Prince's lyrical themes are more varied and more mature. How many monster and ghost songs can MJ do? How many of us still relate to that? Prince's music is often accused of being all sexual, but the fact is that his relationship based lyrics are more complex than MJ, more sincere, and more believable. Love, romance, sex, and God are questions and themes that all humans ask and deal with. Prince explores these themes with authenticity and an understanding that MJ has rarely, if ever, been able to capture. Prince also can do the fantastical, kid's stuff-look at the "batman" album. That album was fairly complex and mature for a superhero album.
9. Onstage- Prince sings. Prince dances. Prince plays guitar. Prince plays piano/keyboard. Prince plays drums. Prince plays bass guitar.
Onstage-MJ dances, MJ sings. We MJ fans often argue that he does these better than anyone else. That is opinion.
Fact is- Prince does more onstage than MJ. He does all of these really really well. Better singer and dancer than MJ? Some think so. However, without a doubt Prince is more varied onstage than MJ.
10. Prince has hot female backup dancers. MJ's back up dancers seem like Madonna's leftovers."
1. Prince has more music. Prince simply has a ton more music than MJ for his fans to listen to. Some will argue that MJ has less "crappy music" and that he has a better filter however, besides being a totally subjective statement, this is simply not true. Pound for pound, MJ has made just as much "average" music as Prince has. As a fan of both, I am happy to have stacks of Prince Albums and sad to have roughly 6 legit MJ albums since 1979. Waiting 5+ years between MJ albums sucks and lately it hasn't been worth the wait. If I don't like Prince's latest album, within a year or so I'll have a new one.
2. It is arguable who is a better live performer. Critics and fans alike both herald Prince and MJ as two of the best showman ever. Take your pick. That being said, Prince Concerts are more "live" than MJ. Prince's shows are not as rehearsed and are more spontaneous-the energy is different. Plus, Prince's live show is not the same as it has been since 1988. The fact is that, they are both great and you cannot definitively say one is head and shoulders above the other in this regard. MJ cannot work an audience like Prince. Prince's shows are more audience involving than MJ. MJ's shows are like going to a movie. It's a performance that could happen the same no matter the audience. Because of the nature of his concerts, Prince always takes the crowd into account and his concerts change based on the crowd. When did MJ last let audience members (who weren't planted groupies) up onstage to dance? Prince has an actual band that he leads, guides, and plays with. MJ just has hired musicians put together for a tour. Sheryl Crow used to play with him and was quoted as saying that MJ didn't know her name. I assure you, Prince knows his band.
3. It is easier to defend Prince's actions. Hey Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol-super weird right? However, it is rock star weird. MJ used to just be rock star weird, now he is scary and creepy weird. MJ's personal life has overshadowed his art, and forced his music to take a back seat to his circus and court appearances.
4. Prince evolves. Don't get me wrong, as a fan of MJ I realize he has grown as an artist. However, every one of his albums is chasing after "Thriller", both in style, and in sales figures. Prince is not constantly trying to top, redo, outdo, or copy "Purple Rain". MJ got himself in a rut.
5. Prince has more variety to his music. Sure, MJ's pop sweeps over different genres, but not as aggressively as Prince does it. When was the last time MJ did a solo acoustic guitar album? A solo piano album? An instrumental album? A blues rock album? A jazz/funk album? Not only does Prince do different types of music from album to album. Often, he'll do it from song to song on one album. Hardly anyone crosses genres as effectively as Prince. MJ definitely does not.
6. Prince is more true to himself musically. Lately, MJ has gotten into the habit of hiring a load of "hot" producers to give him the latest sound, but it makes MJ's music seem contrived, forced, and not authentic. Even, when Prince is biting new trends he still sounds like Prince. He sounds authentic. You might not like Prince's rapping, but "pussy control" is an authentic club anthem whether you like it or not. MJ singing things like "2000 Watts" seems artificial and forced-it's hard to believe MJ feels what he is singing.
7. Prince is more accessible to his fans. I know this sounds weird, but Prince often opens up his recording studios for his fans to tour- as MJ does with Neverland. However, the difference is the fact that Prince will often do intimate late night shows at his place with a few hundred fans. These gigs used to cost maybe $7. Often they were free. Prince casually walks amongst the crowd at these shows and just hangs out. I bet you'd be hard pressed to name another "reclusive" superstar of Prince's magnitude that allows his hardcore fans to get so close.
8. Prince's lyrical themes are more varied and more mature. How many monster and ghost songs can MJ do? How many of us still relate to that? Prince's music is often accused of being all sexual, but the fact is that his relationship based lyrics are more complex than MJ, more sincere, and more believable. Love, romance, sex, and God are questions and themes that all humans ask and deal with. Prince explores these themes with authenticity and an understanding that MJ has rarely, if ever, been able to capture. Prince also can do the fantastical, kid's stuff-look at the "batman" album. That album was fairly complex and mature for a superhero album.
9. Onstage- Prince sings. Prince dances. Prince plays guitar. Prince plays piano/keyboard. Prince plays drums. Prince plays bass guitar.
Onstage-MJ dances, MJ sings. We MJ fans often argue that he does these better than anyone else. That is opinion.
Fact is- Prince does more onstage than MJ. He does all of these really really well. Better singer and dancer than MJ? Some think so. However, without a doubt Prince is more varied onstage than MJ.
10. Prince has hot female backup dancers. MJ's back up dancers seem like Madonna's leftovers."

Dress up

Hemma idag, kan knappt prata. Fick världens lust att ta ett bad och bara fräsha upp mig lite. Var så otroligt sliten. Slutade med att jag fönade håret, satte på mig kläder och smink och poserade för mig själv i spegeln. Älskar att klä upp mig.
Tvingade ut mig själv att gå och köpa halstabletter också, så otroligt fint väder så det blev min älskade jeansjacka som fick äran att se dagens ljus.
Jag tog min jeansjacka till Ica, nothing more than that. Haha varför gör jag mig själv så himla märkvärdig.
Har pimpat mitt rum lite. Hipsteraktigt, men jag är så jäkla nöjd.
Och imorgon blir det vårdcentralen för att kolla upp min förbannade hals. Är lite kluven angående att operera bort halsmandlarna (om jag behöver göra det) för jag är nog den mest nålrädda människan som finns. Å andra sidan vore det skönt att kunna prata utan problem också..

I brist på annat, en gif från tumblr
Alltså.. förlåt att jag inte bloggar. Ser att min statistik ändå är uppe fastän jag inte uppdaterar. Faktum är att den nästan är högre när jag inte uppdaterar. Underbart.
Denna vecka har varit helt okej än så länge, tillbringade måndagen med några vänner, myyycket trevligt. Igår var det kör och efter kören stack jag och Sara hem till mig för att plugga NO och käka bullar, sedan fick vi sällskap av Becka.
Och idag klev jag upp för att gå till skolan som resulterade i en utebliven SO-lektion och en jäkligt lång rast. Jag var så jävla dum och åt yoghurt till frukost (är laktosintolerant) så gick hem under rasten pga en jävlig mage och en cphals. Sedan dess har jag städat, ätit pizza och sovit. Jappjapp.
Finding Neverland

En av mina favoritfilmer.
Idag är/var en bra dag. Enough said.
I tisdags var jag med en vikarie som hade alla bildlektioner, fick göra lite mer än i måndags. Bland annat en väldigt awkward presentation av popkonst och ett nytt armband, fick ett par nya vänner och hade ordentligt ont i magen. Skulle omöjligen kunna sjunga med den smärtan, så jag och Becka åkte till smak och delade på en varm choklad istället. Och igår slutade jag två efter en prao i Student Lounge (uppehållsrummet) så jag stack hem och kollade på lite tv och åt mig tjock på chokladrutor, typ.

"Varsågoda, den ser ut som en myra enligt mig" sa servitrisen när hon kom ut med den. Dog lite grann.
Vet inte riktigt hur jag ska beskriva dagen. Började med att jag vaknade extra tidigt för att åka på gymnasiebesök där det enda jag fick utav det var en bit kexchoklad. Men det är ju bra det också. Kom tillbaka till skolan/praon och fortsatte att bre mackor åt folk som visste mitt namn men jag visste inte deras. Kändes sådär bra, typ.
Fick gå hem halv två, men jag kände att jag behövdes en liten stund till. "Du får inte gå hem senare än två!" sa min handledare. Gick hem kvart över två. I'm such a badass.
Och nu sitter jag och förbereder det sista inför morgondagen. Eller ja, inatt. Vi åker vid tre, halv fyra.

DAGENS OUTFIT OCH ARMBAND, notera mitt fina skidfodral och min fina kappsäck i bakgrunden. Snart flyttar jag här ifrån ♥♥♥
Och nu har jag officiellt lov. Känns underbart

Bilder från sommaren.
Det är alltså hit jag är på väg om exakt en vecka. Till Kitzbühel. Bort från den här skitstaden, till snötäckta alper med apfelstrudel och knödel och schnitzel i massor. Längtar.
Idag har jag mått bättre, känns relativt underbart. Påväg upp igen, men fortfarande otroligt ostabil. Woho. Personligt det blev nu.
Men i alla fall, blev kallad smart på matten idag, engelskaquizet gick sådär och är nöjd med musikprovet. Svenskan har jag inte så mycket att säga till om, våran nya lärare stod och läste för oss. Låg och halvsov då, haha :)
Och nu är det äntligen H E L G! Som jag har längtat!
Helg betyder sömn, och helg betyder dans.
Hello my old heart

Börjar om.
För typ 1000e gången. Men tappade lusten HELT förut. Inte ett nytt inlägg på snart 3 veckor på Phansess. För jag känner mig inte som Phansess längre, nu är jag mer Macavity.
Bild i repris, är dålig på egobilder. Har ju klippt mig och färgat och sånt efter den här bilden liksom. En månad sen typ.
Idag är det torsdag. Var i skolan under en lektion, sen orkade jag inte. Flydde till biblioteket, för att sedan sätta mig helt ensam på Kafé Smak med en stor kopp varm choklad med ett berg av grädde, för att sedan träffa min älskade Angelica i Skogstorp. Hade inte varit där på hundra år kändes det som. Saknar det inte direkt.